Monday, June 29, 2009

2 Cour du Commerce St. Andree

So this is where we are staying in Paris...right in the heart of Paris, 6th arr. The apartment is on this great historic street that is for pedestrians only with lots of cute shops and places to hang out at late at night. You would not believe does not get dark here until 10:30pm and everyone is out eating dinner at midnight (on a weeknight!).

Day 1 @ the Jerry Ghionis workshop:
-UNREAL. That's basically all I can say. I am learning so much that my head is exploding with ideas and rejuvenation. Jerry has this incredible gift of teaching and rubbing off on photographers around him.

So far, he has critiqued my work of 5 images (some of my favorite from multiple weddings) and 10 images from 1 wedding. It was very difficult just to choose which images I would want him to give me input on! We were going through everyone's image, one by one until 10:30 tonight followed by some of Jerry's images...and everyone in the room felt about as small as a mouse after seeing his incredible work!

I am looking forward to tomorrow's session on light, followed by a photo shoot with models, followed by another critique of the images I shoot tomorrow (with the info I just learned).

Jerry is going to photograph Kristy and I on Wednesday night in the streets of Paris (a gift to us for our upcoming wedding anniversary).

Anyhow, more to come after tomorrow. The group of photographers here are awesome, from Russia, Belgium, Texas, Florida, Ireland, Scottland...and then there is Mark Elola Photography, bringin' it California style!!
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Magnificent Abe

Incredible to see in incredible man. I'm not used to this

Hello DC!

Mark witthout hair product

Paris, here we come! ( or maybe not)

So far, an interesting trip filled with airline mechanical issues
(curtesy of United) and booked hotels in Washington DC. Good news: we
get to say hello to Obama at the White House (from Penn. Ave). A shot
of the swan for our son Coby...hotel lobby. More to come! Au revior

Thursday, June 04, 2009

API's new blog

Photo by API

API rockin the house....I was so impressed by their recent post, I had to blog about it. Check out the ring shot and the groom's reaction. Kudos Aaron and team...looking forward to a little "A" List competition! Can I steal this ring shot?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Please watch ABC's earth 2100

Ok everyone.....this was so moving I have got to get you to watch this. ABC created a story, following "Molly" through her life as an American living 2009-2100. It touches on global warming, consequences of doing nothing and the quality of life....that our children will endure.
I urge you to take the time to watch ACT 1 online, more if possible. I was impressed how scientifically accurate the report was and the resources available on the website. Let me know what you think!

Monday, June 01, 2009

I have been meaning to post some cute shots we got of the kids during a recent trip to San Francisco. They are seriously our entertainment!
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