Monday, February 19, 2007

The latest

Have you heard the latest? Here is what I've been listening too lately CLICK HERE

Have you seen the latest? Here's a shot of me and Coby!
Have you tasted the latest? Took the parents HERE on Satuday. Best seafood ANYWHERE.
Still have the scent of your V-Day roses lingering?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

V Day

Happy Valentines Day!

I read a great article today on making Valentines Day more meaningful....for all you romantics out there. I especially like number 5....check it out!


Monday, February 05, 2007

Lifestyle shoot vs. JCPenney

I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful family last weekend....Doug, Denise & kids. Turned out to be a great day! I got to dust off my telephoto lens and capture some awesome candids. This was more of a "Lifestyle" shoot than a portrait shoot....just following them around the park. I wish more families saw the value in this kind of shoot instead of JCPenney!

If you want to take a look at a few shots, check out this sweet little slideshow