Isn't Baby Lauren beautiful! And (according to parents Doug & Leslie), she sleeps solid through the night. My nocternal son (Coby John) needs to take note! This little girl was a joy to photograph! Here are some other pics: SLIDESHOW
Happy Birthday Presley! What an adorable family! I had Mike & Brandi meet me at my favorite spot(it's a secret, shhhh) and the rest just kinda happened on it's own. Well, OK so I clicked the button a few times on this 4 LB Canon...and OK I brought out the Elmo doll! But the rest just happened on it's own. Can't go wrong with these kids! I fell behind on my blogging! I had to share a few shots I took at Safeway's corporate Cinco de Mayo event for the Hispanic Leadership Network! It was hilarious because someone knew it was my birthday and I was serenaded by the marriachi band...this sweet Mexican woman sang me a love song with a few hundred people watching. I haven't turned so red in years!