Saturday, April 29, 2006

Congrat's Amy & Derek

This wedding I photographed last weekend was SUCH a blast. There was well over 200 people in attendance..this couple is seriously LOVED by many (which didn't surprise me). AND they are U2 fans! Bono, cover your ears...I'm borrowing a song that you never bothered putting on any of your regular albums until "The Best Of". Ok, it was on the "Reality Bites" soundtrack, but that doesn't count!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I found out today that I was accepted into the prestigious WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association)....I am thrilled! This was pretty cool because they actually had professionals evaluate my work and website to see if I meet their high standards. It only took 3 weeks of sweating it out and not hearing a word! So funny because they specifically tell you on their application that "WPJA will not notify you if you have not been accepted....", so you can imagine how long the last 3 weeks have been! Now that I'm a member, I kind of feel more official..haha
Here is a little tid bit about WPJA that I learned today (from the website)


Leading the way in Wedding Photojournalism, WPJA represents the most discriminating talent around the world technically, creatively and visually. Qualified members hold industry-leading standards, skills and business integrity.
The WPJA sponsors educational programs including seminars, conventions and workshops geared toward the wedding photojournalist. We also host wedding photojournalism contests, judged by top working photojournalists and news photo editors. The purpose of these contests is to celebrate the photographers who document and record the found moment.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Twins (can't you tell?)

I got the chance to photograph the Spinale twins the other day.....thank God for the sunshine! We went to this hidden park in Pleasanton...and had a lot of fun. They were good sports about it all (and they made my job super easy since they couldnt take a bad pic if they tried). Their dad (Jim) is surprising his wife with Mother's Day pictures of the kids. It was sooo fun editing these pictures because I got to try out my new "Lord Of The Rings" Photoshop actions that I bought during my Vegas WPPI trip!

Click the play butten to see a few from this photo shoot.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


WOW....what a day it was! Visiting two families with a one year old can make for a busy but FUNNN day. Kinda cool that Coby got to experience an Easter egg hunt for the first time. Here are some fun shots of my family (take a look at my brother David's dog "Loco" peeing on bed!)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Owens Family

So I met this great family today (the Owens Family).....they are so sweet! There little boy Ryan has about a million Match Box cars, made me wish I kept all mine. Perhaps the cars I burried in my parents backyard are still there??!! Anyhow, you gotta check out this slideshow I threw together with my friend DavidJay's software! It's soooo fun! Christina, Todd, Ryan, THANK YOU for allowing me into your lives and allowing me to capture these sweet moments. HAPPY EASTER

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Marcus the Model


How cute is this kid! I was super excited to get the phone call from family that my nephew (Marcus) needed some head shots for his EXPLODING modeling career! It was a lot of fun.....I asked him how many girlfriends he had, he started counting! Anyhow, I am so proud of my nephew! He acts just like my brother when he was his age (SCARY!!!) Bye for now
Mark Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 01, 2006 GOES LIVE!!!

WOW, finally!!! Let me know what you think of the new site....I am super excited about it! I have a lot of big plans for it in the future also, so keep checking back...who knows, you may even see a picture of you here!

Here is what some of my Pictage Photographer friends have already said about the website:

"Hey Mark,
Your bio is one of the best I've ever read! So cool to hear about your budding artistry as a kid! I think it means a lot to clients to really get a sense of who you are, where you came from and what's important to you. I'd totally hire you after reading your bio!
And your portfolio is gorgeous! Congrats!"

the bio, the images... everything is gorgeous!"

"love love love it! you know, for once, the music actually did not annoy me... many times i feel that photographers choose music that is just too much, but this just kind of did it for me. maybe i am just in one of those music moods, though.
nice looking portfolio!

"Really nice website Mark! beautiful photos...really enjoyed the all connects very well!"

"really clean, good, and informative, easy to navigate, i would give it a 9.3. ( i never give a 10, so thats a good thing) inspiring and i like what you say in your bio. keep up the good work."